
Breve canción del Commonwealth

Publicado: 2012-05-15


This is a sad song

I want you to sing along

And hang on

even though it is too late.

Now i'm cold

and old and wet

Thought I knew you

But we've just met.

Now I'm just

crying rivers with the moon

even though it is too soon

'Cause we are all stardust.

Life is a tax I have to pay

If I want to stay

with you tonight

something between us might die

something between us might die

And we will cry

we'll cry rivers with the moon

'cause we are all believers

looking for retrievers

from our golden past.

I can't remember when it all went wrong

I can't remember the lyrics of this song

But hang on

even though is it too late

there's a chance -we call it fate

we'll get by

'cause we gotta understand

life's the spoon

and not the syrup

then with the moon

you won't cry rivers


This is a sad song

I want you to sing along

And hang on

even though it is too late

there's a chance -we call it fate

we'll get by

'cause we are but stardust.

Escrito por

Juan Velazco

Incompetente en todas las materias del mercado. Pájaro de una sola pluma.

Publicado en

Poética Política

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